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Going Green vs. Sustainability - What's the Difference?

Going Green 24/7

What exactly is going green about? How does it compare with the idea of sustainability? Well, we at Going Green 24/7 are here to clear that up for you.

The term "going green" derives from the act of living a life focused upon protecting the planet from climate change. Whether big or small, this act intends to contribute toward a wide variety of aspects in our environment.

Sustainability, on the other hand, holds a completely separate concept to going green - though they may at first appear the same, sustainability refers more to the choice of refraining from damaging the environment. In other words, while "going green" involves making changes to society that positively affect Mother Earth's well-being, "sustainability" simply has to do with not impacting the planet in any way (good or bad).

Now, how does this understanding have anything to do with you? First and foremost: you are a citizen of planet Earth! Therefore, having a grasp on the difference between going green and sustainability will help you to decipher which path you want to take on the road to minimizing global warming.

Personally, the Going Green 24/7 Team feel that "going green" is the best option to take - as can be seen from the definitions provided above, to go green involves using passion and innovation to make the fixes you wish to see in society. We truly believe that everyone has a unique gift which, whether known or not, can greatly affect the course of climate change. Regardless of your passion - music, dance, science or maths - there is some way you can help in this fight for the survival of our dear planet. Sustainability is not an adequate goal for you to be aiming for!

Going Green 24/7, though, recognizes that there is a factor which holds us all back from being able to fully go green: fear. No matter what form it may take it is in some way present within all of us. But why should it hold us back? Why should we let it prevent us from doing what we know is right? Why should it dictate every opportunity we get to make a change?

It shouldn't. That's why the team has decided to share with you some small steps you can take to start your trail to go green:

1. Reuse

There are plenty of ways for you to reuse those items of yours that would otherwise end up in the landfill. For example:

  • Give life to unused plastic, cardboard and glass containers by turning them into flower vases

  • Turn your old newspaper into something handy - like a box for putting your keys in

  • Make art!

2. Reduce

Cut down on the waste your everyday items produce by finding nifty and planet-conscious alternatives:

3. Recycle

Throwing plastic and paper in the recycling bin is not the only way you can uplift this "R" - did you know you can also recycle...

  • Food waste (e.g. organic products),

  • Metal (e.g. tin and aluminum cans), and

  • Chewing gum!

In conclusion, we hope you now understand the very big difference between going green and sustainability. But that's not all. We, too, ask that you realize that the suggestions given above are not the end of your journey: they are the beginning. We have provided them merely as points of inspiration from which you can take to develop your environmental awareness - so set forth, and make the fixes you wish to see in society. In the wise words of Ronald Reagan, "there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder..."

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